Monday, April 16, 2012

How to get your Sploder game on Blogger

Without Extra Stuff
Note: all the BLUE TEXT are clickable links.
On Sploder:
  1. Login to Sploder
  2. Click the "My Games" tab
  3. Click on the game you want to display in your blog
  4. Sploder will take you to the page where you can play your game. Under your game you will see a share box and under the share box 4 buttons: Describe>>, Get Link>>, Get Code>>, and Email>>.
  5. Click on the Get Code>> button. 
  6. Two boxes will appear: One containing the "Standard Game Code" and one containing the "Myspace Code". Even though Blogger is NOT Myspace, the "Standard Game Code" doesn't work(I know this, I've tried it!) So go on blogger. . .

On Blogger:
  1. . . . and in the "Edit HTML" box, paste the Myspace Code. You will need to edit something in the code or else it will say "Get games for Myspace" below your game, and since this is not Myspace, you probably don't want that!
  2. What do you have to edit? Usually, all you have to do is find the part that says "<br /><a href="" title="Sploder, Games for MySpace">Get Games for MySpace</a>" and delete it. It probably won't be red, but I typed it in red just so you could see it more clearly.
  3. After that, all you have to do is click "Publish Post" and it will be all done! (Unless you want to add extra stuff.
Extra Stuff
    If you wanted to add text above or below your game, you can do it in 2 ways:
    1. This way is so simple and easy even a dummy could do it. In the "Edit HTML" box, type in the text you want above or below the code. Then, click publish post and you're done!
    2. This way a little more complicated and might not always work, but you can change text colors, text sizes and other stuff this way. Follow all of the directions as if you were doing "without extra stuff". After you clicked "Publish post", go to "Edit Posts" in Blogger and click "edit" for the post you wanted extra stuff in. Click on the "compose" tab, and you will probably see a big black square box. That box is where your game will go. Move the box by clicking the cursor to the left but not in the box. Use the keyboard and press "back" or "backspace" (depending on which kind of computer you have) to move the box up and "enter" or "return" (again depending on which kind of computer you have) to move the box down. When you have enough space to type text, click on the space where you want to type and type there. When you are finished, click "Publish Post" and you're done!

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