Thursday, December 19, 2013

United We Stand


 "United we stand."

They had adopted the policy, believed in it. Believed in themselves, that they had power. Even though they were only citizens, each of them nothing but a +1 to the population count, they believed that with numbers they could change their government, that with friends and family and protesting they could change their lives.

How wrong they were.

For it is not "United we stand", but rather, "Powerful we stand".

The uniting of weaklings stand for nothing at all.

They did not understand this. How could they? None of them had even known power, and their leader had brought them together with sweet sentiments and encouraging words. They had thought, even if we aren't powerful, we're together, and our leader will lead us through the darkness of these days. Alas, but their leader was powerless too. Powerless to stop and powerless to change anything. For if the leader had been powerful enough to change the government, he would not have needed all the millions of people to join his cause. He could have simply overturned it himself...

Numbers do not mean anything. They did not know that simply being there would not change the way the world had thought and felt. They did not understand the magnitude of what they had attempted to overthrow. They did not realize that the empire had stood for thousands of years for a reason.

Selfishly, they believed that they could change it. They believed that their view upon the world was correct, and through numbers- multitudes of untalented bystanders, everyday citizens- that they could and would change the way the world was.

Sometimes, the world does not need changing.

They had called themselves the Vigilant, the ones who kept careful watch over ordinary citizens and protected them. Their efforts at protection were temporary at best, harmful at worst. They had not understood that not everyone needed protection.

They held rallies, spoke to the citizens of the long-standing empire. They shouted words of criticism against the empire, and declared that they could change it, could make things better. Foolishly, many citizens believed them. It is arrogance that caused these talentless to stand against the empire. It is foolishness that makes them believe that they can win.

This empire has stood for millenia. It has withstood far greater rebellions than this. It has withstood rebellions in which the whole of the citizen body had needed to be put down, for they were too excited with the notions of their revolution. See, that is how powerless the citizens are. How greatly held in the empire's minds. If the entire population is rebelling, replace it.

They are replaceable, every one of them. They fear that, fear being replaced. They fear passing from this world without making any changes upon it at all. They fear being forgotten. That is their weakness.

That is why they are powerless. In their desperation to change the world, oftentimes they change it for worse. The hands that they had hoped would reshape the stone turn out to be, instead, the hands that mar its already perfect natural beauty.

Sometimes, the world does not need changing. Sometimes, it is good enough just the way it is.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Hope- a story

Recently, I was browsing and discovered an interesting text document.
It pertains a nice story, I'll post it here in case some jerk adds password protection to it.

Hope (small text size to minimize space)


Throughout time, man has come to call her by many names. She can be found in every home, every dream, every prayer, every heart. Those who have nothing have her. In those early days, she did not yet comfort the poor, the sick, the weary, the needy, the greedy, the rich, the powerful. She walked the Earth and man only knew her by the name given from her mother.

No, I sadly did not write this amazing story. I'm only posting it here to preserve it and claim no credit.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

broken images...

I realize many of the images here are now nonexistant as I deleted many things from my Picasa web albums a few weeks ago. Sadly, I cannot retrieve and re-upload the images as I did a wipe of my hard drive yesterday (virus, a few system files were killed). Bear with me.

Sunday, January 27, 2013


I am Lucis and this is Talsine. We are one of a kind - Well, At least, Sine is. Sine… how should I describe him? Well, hes my brother, for one.
Life goes on as normal for Lucis. Friends, teachers, homework that kind of thing. Talsine, his brother, was always the one who got the mysterious letters, the anonymous phone calls, all the fame and glory (though nobody really ever notices that Sines there- except for the ones Sine wanted to be noticed by). Lucis begins to crave that adventure- that spice to add to his bland, ordinary life. One day, Lucis tags along (unwanted, of course) on one of Talsines missions- and his life is, as Sine would put it, inexorably changed forever. Dun dun dun

Yes, there is another novel currently in progress. This is an example of what probably would go on the book-jacket, minus the "dun dun dun..." part. Last time, that other novel died at the tenth chapter. Wonder how long this one'll last?
**By "last" the reference is to how long it will run on until a certain author gets tired of the plot.

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Do you like poetry? I just made a GoogleSites called Poetry By Us. On there, you make your poetry and put it on your page so that everyone else can see it! Currently, the pages are request only. There are no pages in which anybody can edit. Here is the Url:

And a sample poem from that site? I did not write this poem. This amazing poem was written by my friend Shirley C. I cannot and will not give any more additional info on her. The words below are only a little piece of her poem- you can read more if she decides to put it on the website.

The Good and the Bad

There is no such thing as good or bad,

it’s only in the mind,

it is the thing to make you sad,
it is the thing to make you glad,
it’s for us,
for you,
for me.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Pokemon Tower Defense- best online flash pokemon rpg eva!

Click here to open in in a big window.
some things you should know about PTD

  • registration required
  • true information not required (i.e one of the accounts is
Free public account for all (please do not change the password)-
pass: theplanet

Monday, April 30, 2012

EDIT: Shoot, they took down the images. Sorry, guys.

If you have perfect vision, then count yourself lucky today. On the left is a picture of how someone with bad eyesight might see a faraway tree.


And this is how you would see the very same tree.

Aren't you glad you have perfect vision?

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Ok this is a test run for Geophrase, something that detects your location, based on cities near your home. Let's see if you really work.

You live near .

Did it work?

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Reminiscing: Ever snapped a worm in half?

Gross, right? I'd never have done it. Until I met the little bird that made me. Below is a picture of Lil' Birdie (that's what I named him/her, who can tell?). Isn't Lil' cute?

Lil' Birdie, right at the place where I found him/her.

I found this little bird on the sidewalk flapping its wings and trying to fly. It kept on opening its mouth really wide and screaming "Eeeeeeep! Eeeeeeep!" So I figured it was hungry. I got enough courage to dig out one small worm, picked it up with my fingers, and dangled it in front of Lil' Birdie's beak. When he/she made no move to eat it, I began wondering if I was doing something wrong. I experimented, and found out Lil' only opened his/her beak if either a) I tapped on his beak or b) The worm dangled in front of him/her was small enough to swallow. Apparently the "small" worm wasn't small enough, so again I gathered up my courage and broke the worm in half with my fingernails and fed it to him/her. Even though the experience of killing a worm to feed to a bird made me kinda nauseous, the satisfied "Eep!" of Lil' was more than enough of a reward. After feeding Lil' Birdie, I gently set him/her down where I found him/her and went (or should I say ran?) home to get the camera. I made sure that flash was off when I snapped his/her picture. If flash can harm a human's eyes, then imagine what kind of damage it could do to a bird! I found Lil' a little before noon at Wednesday, June 15th 2011. When Mother called me home for lunch, I left him/her there in box sitting on a "nest" that I had made (basically, a pile of twigs). But when I came back, I found the box empty, its nest and tiny occupant gone. I hoped that whoever had taken Lil' had put him/her somewhere safe. I will forever remember my Lil' Birdie.
post above copy/pasted from one of my deleted blogs, Nature6watch. Lil' has probably grown up into an adult bird now, if he/she is still alive. I will always wonder about what happened to him/her.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Day of Silence

Today I participated in the Day of Silence.

All day at school I didn't speak at all, instead used pantomime hand signals. I even wrote a pretty neat speech on the back of my math journal.
"Equality. Doesn't the Constitution stress it enough? But in schools bullying creates an imbalance of power. And inequality. We the kids are tired of being bullied, tired of having our voices being lost in the wind. Today I am silent, for all of the children who have been bullied. Hear our silence. -alias Silver Rose"

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

It's hard

It's hard to be brave
It's hard to stay strong
It's hard to be calm
And get along

But - if you know what's right
And what's right you do
Then all of life's troubles
You can get through

So - 
Be brave
Stay strong
Be calm
Get along

And then
For sure
All of Life's troubles
Will pass along.

Monday, April 16, 2012

How to get your Sploder game on Blogger

Without Extra Stuff
Note: all the BLUE TEXT are clickable links.
On Sploder:
  1. Login to Sploder
  2. Click the "My Games" tab
  3. Click on the game you want to display in your blog
  4. Sploder will take you to the page where you can play your game. Under your game you will see a share box and under the share box 4 buttons: Describe>>, Get Link>>, Get Code>>, and Email>>.
  5. Click on the Get Code>> button. 
  6. Two boxes will appear: One containing the "Standard Game Code" and one containing the "Myspace Code". Even though Blogger is NOT Myspace, the "Standard Game Code" doesn't work(I know this, I've tried it!) So go on blogger. . .

On Blogger:
  1. . . . and in the "Edit HTML" box, paste the Myspace Code. You will need to edit something in the code or else it will say "Get games for Myspace" below your game, and since this is not Myspace, you probably don't want that!
  2. What do you have to edit? Usually, all you have to do is find the part that says "<br /><a href="" title="Sploder, Games for MySpace">Get Games for MySpace</a>" and delete it. It probably won't be red, but I typed it in red just so you could see it more clearly.
  3. After that, all you have to do is click "Publish Post" and it will be all done! (Unless you want to add extra stuff.
Extra Stuff
    If you wanted to add text above or below your game, you can do it in 2 ways:
    1. This way is so simple and easy even a dummy could do it. In the "Edit HTML" box, type in the text you want above or below the code. Then, click publish post and you're done!
    2. This way a little more complicated and might not always work, but you can change text colors, text sizes and other stuff this way. Follow all of the directions as if you were doing "without extra stuff". After you clicked "Publish post", go to "Edit Posts" in Blogger and click "edit" for the post you wanted extra stuff in. Click on the "compose" tab, and you will probably see a big black square box. That box is where your game will go. Move the box by clicking the cursor to the left but not in the box. Use the keyboard and press "back" or "backspace" (depending on which kind of computer you have) to move the box up and "enter" or "return" (again depending on which kind of computer you have) to move the box down. When you have enough space to type text, click on the space where you want to type and type there. When you are finished, click "Publish Post" and you're done!

    Saturday, April 7, 2012


    I found a great poem by William W. Purkey, and decided to take it one step further.

    How to Live
    by Mengjing Shi    Adapted from William W. Purkey
    Don't let your light flicker
    Live like there's Heaven on Earth
    Don't be afraid to shine
    Love like you've never been hurt 

    Thursday, March 15, 2012

    CPU stuff: Marquees

    welcome to Splattermix, the site in which random things are splattered everywhere and mixed together.  You may notice that the words above are scrolling.
    You, too, can make this happen. Marquees.
    Simply copy the code below:
    <marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left" scrollamount="1">TEXT HERE</marquee>
    and insert that code in the HTML tab of your blogger post.
    By tuning it a little (changing the red text), you can turn marquees into many different things.
    The "behavior" part can be either alternate or scroll or slide.
    The "direction" part can be either up, down, left, or right.
    The "scrollamount" part can be any number at all! 1 is the slowest, infinity is the fastest.
    And, of course, you can input any text you want in the TEXT HERE part.
    Images can be marquee'd too.

    See the image of a dragon above.
    It is being marquee'd.
    In the HTML tab, do as you would for text marquees.
    But instead of text, put in an image by the add image button on the bar.
    It should look something like this (though not exactly):

    &lt;marquee&gt;&lt;div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"&gt;
    &lt;a href="" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"&gt;&lt;img border="0" height="65" src="" width="53" /&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/div&gt;

    Have fun with marquees!

    CPU stuff: Glow

    Spice up your blog!
    Hello! This is called a shadow, or a glow. It might be also called a popout, though, if used correctly.

    You can also make this happen.
    In the HTML tab, copy & paste:

    <span style="text-shadow: COLOR 1px 1px 1px">Text here</span>

    Boldened green is changeable, red must be constant.

    The 1 px by 1 px by 1 px thing is how big your shadow is.

    So you can also make a glowing/shadow marquee, too, using the marquee thingies I posted above.

    Monday, February 20, 2012

    A Smile

    A smile is a treasure
    that brightens up your day
    but never stolen;
    for a smile is only worth its weight in gold
    if it is given away.

    Friday, February 3, 2012

    Comparisons- Life to a Maze

    Poem 1
    Stay true to your path
    Try not to stray
    There will be blockages,
    But don't panic-you'll find another way.

    Life is like a maze
    Where you can't turn back
    With many twists and turns,
    Just try to stay on track.

    Poem 2
    Come and see, come and see,
    The Maze of Life's this way.
    With its twisting paths
    And its winding roads
    Try not to be led astray. 

    Friday, January 13, 2012

    Hidden Items

    The best place to hide something is a place where hardly anyone thinks about, but not so seclusive that people will be suspicious.
    Also, the place had better be somewhere people don't go often.

    Take fish, for example.
    Now, since I was little, I always hated fish. Nevertheless, my father and mother still made me eat it. So, I hid my portion in a napkin and tossed it into the trash.

    Sadly, Mother noticed that I had eaten my fish at an abnormally fast speed. So, she searched the trash can. And found the fish, wrapped neatly in a napkin.

    Needless to say, I was punished severely. I will not go into strict detail about my punishment, but it was horrible. 

    Anyway, I learned the hard way that I had to find a better place to hide my soon-to-be-disposed-of meals.

    I started by putting the fish chunks under my pillow. But soon, when Mother was cleaning the bed, the smell of rotting fish made her suspicious. So naturally she checked under the pillow.

    You probably know what is coming next. Yup, that's right, more punishment.

    It made me think before hiding something. After searching the house, I found the perfect spot.

    The study room closet, behind the fan. Since it was winter during our feud, Mother hardly checked the closet, much less behind the fan. During the summer months I'd hide it in a glove. When she retired to her bedroom I'd run to the garage and toss it into the big trash cans, the ones the garbage trucks get the garbage out of.

    Lesson? The moderately obscure and moderately impossible place to hide something is usually the best place to hide it.

    So, when you've got something to hide, hide it well

    Sunday, January 1, 2012

    New Year

    Well. There goes another year. Another year of your short life. Who knows how many years you've got ahead of you. Time goes pretty fast. Who knows, maybe I'll die tomorrow. You never know. So you've got to spend your time wisely, spend it doing things you either a) enjoy or b) have to do. And here's to beginning a new one.

    Wednesday, December 28, 2011


    A big welcome to all of you intelligent beings out there!
    This blog reflects the person I am- techy, poetic, intelligent, deceptive, creative. Amazed by all the life around me.
    That is why, after deleting the web address in the little text box a million times, I finally decided on Splattermix.
    Like a picture, with bits of paint splattered here and there, other areas with paint mixed together. Splattermix. I didn't want a blog about only one subject. So here it is. Splattermix. A random blog with random subjects in it.
    I've just started this thing and might not post that often. So keep your eyes peeled (I'd hate to meet the person who invented that expression. What human being in the world is masochist enough to peel their own eyes? Gross.) for more!