Saturday, April 21, 2012

Reminiscing: Ever snapped a worm in half?

Gross, right? I'd never have done it. Until I met the little bird that made me. Below is a picture of Lil' Birdie (that's what I named him/her, who can tell?). Isn't Lil' cute?

Lil' Birdie, right at the place where I found him/her.

I found this little bird on the sidewalk flapping its wings and trying to fly. It kept on opening its mouth really wide and screaming "Eeeeeeep! Eeeeeeep!" So I figured it was hungry. I got enough courage to dig out one small worm, picked it up with my fingers, and dangled it in front of Lil' Birdie's beak. When he/she made no move to eat it, I began wondering if I was doing something wrong. I experimented, and found out Lil' only opened his/her beak if either a) I tapped on his beak or b) The worm dangled in front of him/her was small enough to swallow. Apparently the "small" worm wasn't small enough, so again I gathered up my courage and broke the worm in half with my fingernails and fed it to him/her. Even though the experience of killing a worm to feed to a bird made me kinda nauseous, the satisfied "Eep!" of Lil' was more than enough of a reward. After feeding Lil' Birdie, I gently set him/her down where I found him/her and went (or should I say ran?) home to get the camera. I made sure that flash was off when I snapped his/her picture. If flash can harm a human's eyes, then imagine what kind of damage it could do to a bird! I found Lil' a little before noon at Wednesday, June 15th 2011. When Mother called me home for lunch, I left him/her there in box sitting on a "nest" that I had made (basically, a pile of twigs). But when I came back, I found the box empty, its nest and tiny occupant gone. I hoped that whoever had taken Lil' had put him/her somewhere safe. I will forever remember my Lil' Birdie.
post above copy/pasted from one of my deleted blogs, Nature6watch. Lil' has probably grown up into an adult bird now, if he/she is still alive. I will always wonder about what happened to him/her.

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